Hiro and Ando return to the present and begin using the unpublished "9th Wonders" comic that Isaac left before his death to find Sylar. Sylar, realizing that he may be the man who blows up New York City begins to question himself. He goes to his mother's house to find answers. Hiro and Ando follow him and, after witnessing what goes on in the apartment, Hiro stops time and tries to kill him - to no avail and a broken sword. Nathan's mother, who has known of Linderman's plan with the explosion, tries to convince Nathan that this is how it should be and that he will rise to the top out of the aftermath. Peter tries to convince Claire not to go with his mother since she has a destiny to help save the world. Jessica and DL begin their search for their missing son, abducted by Candice and her illusion powers. Matt, Ted and Mr Bennet head to New York to take out the tracking system theat they have there that can pinpoint anyone anywhere.