Mohinder and Sylar (posing as Zane Tyler) track down a woman who has an enhanced hearing ability. Before Mohinder can talk to her about her abilities, Sylar gets to her first. DL discovers a picture of Nathan and wonders what exactly it is that Niki (Jessica) is doing at Linderman's casino. With Claire and the Haitian gone and Mr Bennet's memories erased, he is set up with a new partner named Candice. Candice and Mr Bennet show up at Isaac's to help clean up the mess he's made with the murder of Simone. Isaac, now in a deep depression, starts painting and doesn't much like what he sees. Nathan goes to meet with Linderman wearing a mic for the FBI. Niki as Jessica takes out the FBI agents but somehow Niki takes back control and tells Nathan what's going on. He meets with Linderman with the intention of killing him. Hiro, meanwhile, has gained entry to the casino with Nathan's help and has the sword in his site when security is called. Security arrives by the name of Ando and they teleport away - but into a very bleak looking future. Mr Bennet betrays himself to Candice and her powers. Claire goes to see Peter but finds his mother (her grandmother) instead - with the Haitian. Peter arrives at Mohinder's place and finds what has become of him and Sylar.