Hiro has arrived in the past to save Charlie, the waitress, but discovers that it is six months in the past. Mohinder's father leaves to go to New York and makes his first contact with Gabriel Grey. Peter throws a party for his nursing school graduation and his brother tells him that the DA want him to prosecute Linderman. Leaving the party Nathan's car is wrecked by some of Linderman's thugs. They cripple his wife but he escapes by using his flying powers accidentally. At the hospital they contemplate turning evidence against their father to get Linderman. Niki is visited by her estranged father at an AA meeting and things don't go too well when she invites him over to meet Micah and her husband. Claire get accepted into the cheerleading squad. Having a tussle with Jackie she puts her hand through some glass. She is surprised later when it has healed fully and quickly.