DL Hawkins, Niki's husband, shows up and tells her that he is innocent of the murders he's accused of and he can prove it. Hiro and Ando are taken to a secret card game. When Ando sees a gun ander the table, they try to escape but not before someone comes in a kills them all while they're in the bathroom. Claire gets to meet her birth parents but gets no clues about her powers which isn't surprising since they apparently know Mr Bennet. Mohinder leaves to return to India but Eden says he'll be back and kisses him. Peter goes to Isaac's and is able to finish one of his paintings which shows a cheerleader dead. They must find a painting that simone has in order to find out where this takes place and to try and stop it. DL and Niki get into a fight when he learns that she's the one (or her alter ego) that set him up and stole the 2 million dollars. DL uses his phasing abilities to stop her super strength.