Hiro returns from the future New York City and attempts to prove his abilities to Ando so that they can stop the explosion. Matt is interogated by the FBI in his possible link to the murders but is able to "prove" he can listen to thoughts. Agent Hanson takes him to see the girl but they run into Syler on the way. Peter has more confidence now that he knows he can fly but Nathan uses his earlier failure to his political advantage. Mohinder discovers a notebook with Syler's name and address in it. He thinks that this person may be the first with extraordinary powers that his father had contact with. Isaac, obessed with painting the future and stopping the explosion that he painted, needs more drugs but Simone won't have anything to do with it. Niki finishes the job in the desert with the two bodies in her truck and then visits her mother-in-law. Claire attends a bonfire after the game and heads off with the quarterback. Things don't go as she'd like when he starts to come on too strong. She falls and hits her head and jams a tree branch into her head.