The Doctor, Ian, and Barbara land on the planet Dido, a place that the Doctor had visited before. The Doctor assures the crew that the Didonians are a peace loving race but to Ian and Barbara it appears otherwise as a Didonian pushes Barbara off a cliff and causes a cave to collapse behind Ian. Barbara survives and finds refuge in a crashed space ship were Vicki is housed. Vicki thinks that Barbara is part of a rescue party. Vicki and Bennett, lame from a Didonian attack, are the only survivors of the crash. It is soon revealed that Bennett is not lame and that the Didonians have been murdered by Bennett along with the other members of the crashed space ship. With the help of a few surviving Didonians, the Doctor and his companions are able to defeat Bennett. Vicki decides to join the TARDIS crew since all that she has known has been destroyed.