The Doctor and Rose arrive in Utah in 2012 in an underground museum of alien technology. They are apprehended and confronted by van Statten, the owner of these artifacts. Upon learning the Doctor is an alien they place him in a room with a "metaltron" to see if he can come up with answers for it's mysterious existence. The "metaltron" turns out to be a Dalek, the last survivor of its race from the Time War between Daleks and Time Lords. The Dalek is able to use Rose's DNA to rebuild itself and a battle between the last Dalek and the last Time Lord ensues. When Rose is captured, the Doctor goes out to destroy the Dalek. He is confronted with a confused Dalek that has been "tainted" by Rose's DNA to become more "human". This, the Dalek feels, has corrupted it and it destroys itself. Adam, a genius in the employ of van Statten, joins the TARDIS before they leave.