Moonlighting is a television series that first aired on ABC in the United States from 1985 to 1989 with a total of 66 episodes. The show stars Bruce Willis and Cybill Shepherd as private detectives and is a mixture of drama, comedy and romance. The show's theme song is performed by popular jazz singer Al Jarreau and became a minor hit.
The series revolved around cases investigated by Blue Moon Investigations and its two partners, Madelyn 'Maddie' Hayes (Cybill Shepherd) and David Addison (Bruce Willis). The show, with a mix of mystery, sharp dialogue and sexual tension between its two leads, introduced Bruce Willis to the world and brought Cybill Shepherd back into the spotlight after nearly a decade-long absence.
The show's storyline begins with the reversal of fortune of a former model, Hayes, who finds herself bankrupt after her accountant embezzles all of her liquid assets. She is left saddled with several failing businesses formerly maintained as tax write offs, one of which is a detective agency helmed by the devil-may-care Addison. In the pilot episode, he convinces Hayes to keep the business and run it in partnership with him.
The show also starred Allyce Beasley as Agnes DiPesto, the firm's quirky receptionist who regularly answered the phone in rhyming couplets. In later seasons, Curtis Armstrong joined the cast as Herbert Viola, an investigator and a love interest for Agnes.
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