See 141 - Journey's end - and the blood of enemies
2 - Bellinard - and a city is captured
3 - A gift - and a champion is named
4 - Rilas - and dispositions are made!
5 - The Sigurri - and the strangeness of males
6 - Sigurr's city - and betrayal
7 - Slavery - and the Prince of Sigurr's Sword
8 - Captivity - and a tale is told
9 - The Caverns of the Doomed - and the fruits of attempted escape
10 - The blasphemer - and bound as a prize
11 - A victor - and a bargain is struck
12 - Victory - and bitter defeat
13 - The Shining Sands - and an impostor is revealed
14 - A feast - and the concern of males